Sacramento Area 916.668.5800
Toll Free 877.227.5222

Parking Lot Enforcement, Commercial, Retail and Residential
Insured Trucks & Drivers
Secure Storage Lot
Free Installation of Signs
Quick Response Time

Commercial & Retail
Are you the owner or manager of a commercial business that has a problem with parking lot violations? Are people parking in your lot that are not customers?
Xtreme Muscle Towing can help you with parking lot enforcement. We can provide custom signs to fit your needs, warning violators of unauthorized parking in your lot.
We will install signs to help stop violators, and tow away the violator's vehicles if they were not deterred from the signs.
Getting started is easy. We will need some basic information about the property and a letter of authorization from the manager or owner of the lot.
*In most cases there are no costs to you for towing vehicles from the property. The vehicle owner will be responsible for towing and storage charges where applicable. The only charge you may occur would be the cost of custom signs. We install signs for free!

Are you the owner or property manager of apartment complexes or mobile home communities?
Do you experience any of the following issues?
- Inoperable vehicles
- Vehicles with expired plates?
- Junk or abandoned vehicles from current or previous tenants?
Xtreme Muscle Towing can help! The law states that vehicles must be tagged with a notice for at least 72 hours before the vehicle is towed away. We provide you with the 72 hour notices. simply tag the vehicle in violation, and if after 72 hours the violation is not corrected. Call, and we will tow the vehicle away at no cost to you.
The vehicle owner will be responsible for the towing and storage costs where applicable.
For more information on how Xtreme Muscle Towing can help preserve the valuable parking spaces in your complex or community, give us a call today!